There are no Saturday activities until April 26th
New pictures are available for viewing in our Photo Gallery. Click here to see them now!
March 28-30 – Weekend Retreat at Garner State Park
Rissho Kosei-Kai of San Antonio will host a weekend retreat at Garner State Park from Friday, March 28, to Sunday, March 30.
For full details, including the itinerary and registration, please visit the link below:
Retreat Registration & Itinerary
We need people to sign up and show up to make this a great weekend! If you have any questions, please contact Liz, Al, Niki, Allen, or Rev. Kevin.
Sunday, April 5 – Hana Matsuri (Festival of Flowers)
Join us in celebrating the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha with a special Hana Matsuri Ceremony, followed by a potluck lunch.
Saturday, April 12 – RK Annual Garage Sale
Our biggest fundraiser to support parade travel expenses! We rely on members to donate quality items and volunteer to help run the sale. Your support makes a huge difference—please join us!
April 18-20 – RK San Francisco Cherry Blossom Parade
Some of our members will be participating in the Cherry Blossom Parade in San Francisco, CA. Stay tuned for more details!