There are no Saturday activities until April 26th


New pictures are available for viewing in our Photo Gallery. Click here to see them now!

March 28-30Weekend Retreat at Garner State Park
Rissho Kosei-Kai of San Antonio will host a weekend retreat at Garner State Park from Friday, March 28, to Sunday, March 30.

For full details, including the itinerary and registration, please visit the link below:
Retreat Registration & Itinerary

We need people to sign up and show up to make this a great weekend! If you have any questions, please contact Liz, Al, Niki, Allen, or Rev. Kevin.


Sunday, April 5Hana Matsuri (Festival of Flowers)
Join us in celebrating the birth of Shakyamuni Buddha with a special Hana Matsuri Ceremony, followed by a potluck lunch.

Saturday, April 12RK Annual Garage Sale
Our biggest fundraiser to support parade travel expenses! We rely on members to donate quality items and volunteer to help run the sale. Your support makes a huge difference—please join us!

April 18-20RK San Francisco Cherry Blossom Parade
Some of our members will be participating in the Cherry Blossom Parade in San Francisco, CA. Stay tuned for more details!